Monday 24th May 2004

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Awake: 7:05 am Temp Downtown=47 Lower clouds & Drizzle most of day

Busy day scheduled for us today. So after our breakfast we get right with
it. Kathy paints ( 3 ) solid wood doors on both sides using the natural
wood finish. We both like the way our wood is looking with this finish.

Meanwhile, I am doing some grunt work using steel wool to thoroughly clean
the oak trim around the corian kitchen countertop. And it was a workout.
Later Kathy will give that a coat of finish.
Then I finally finish installing( 2 ) brick slices to wrap up the lower
oven/microwave trim project that I've been procrastinating on for
a...ahem, few months. And now I am ready to vacate the kitchen as Kathy is
beginning to paint nearly everything in sight with her natural wood

It's back to installing drawer guides...this time in our bedroom & the
large clothes hamper. Just as I get started, Brian from Capital Glass
arrives to finish installing the last( 2 ) of ( 7 ) replacement windows.
He's done with the job in about 2 hrs. I reminded him to be sure & have
his company send me the bill.

After that clothes hamper challenge, I start to tackle another large
drawer downstairs in the Katrina/Zack bedroom. I am really getting into it
when Kathy calls me to the phone: It's my buddy Ray, and he's telling me
info about our Son Nick that we don't even know yet ourselves: that his
final offer on the condo in Seattle was accepted. Yahoo! That Ray guy, he
sure is with it...even at his age!

Late afternoon, I call my Bro in Pa. They are doing fine. My brother is
taking more days off and goes into the office later now that he has sold
his accounting business. We talk for 30 min.

Dinner @ 7:30 pm Pork Chops, asparagus, bean salad & fresh garden salad.

Late evening. Kathy uses our new Dell computer while I read one of my
motorhome magazines. Lights out: 11:52 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 25, 2004 10:25 PM.

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