Saturday 22nd May 2004

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Awake: 5:40 am Temp Downtown= 47 High clouds with drizzle

Casual morning for Kathy & I. First in a long time we take the time to
read the Anchorage Daily News. It felt good.

Late morning...Kathy paints a light coat of varnish on the floor molding
under the fireplace hearth, and also the trim around the kitchen center

At 2:00 pm we go shopping. Visiting Home Depot, Lowe's & Sears, looking at
dishwashers, kitchen sinks, long flower boxes & bedroom carpet. No
decisions made today. Then we attend 5:00 pm mass at St. Patrick's Church.
Dinner at the restaurant Villa Nova, where we have wine, then split a
Hallibut fish stuffed with crab, spinach & salad. On the way back home, we
stop again at Lowe's to double check on a dishwasher that we looked at
earlier. Home at 9:00 pm.

A little reading & computer stuff before bedtime. Lights out: 11:24 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 24, 2004 7:53 PM.

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