Tuesday 15 November 2011

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Awake: 6:02am      Temp 52      sleep 6+44       gentle & continuous rain      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, K & I drove the Ford Van over to the storage facility & picked up a nice set of children's table & chairs. Kathy's angel wanted her to have it for our grandchildren. DSC0001321.JPG After we unloaded it into our hex, we parked the Ford Van near our garage & removed a 4-year size crib & a 6-yr size crib from my laboratory; I need all the space I can get. But wait, there is more!

Kathy was saving some huge empty boxes for the Foote kids to play in & this was our chance to get them before the burn pile does. Perhaps the next time we visit the Footes, we will pass along the treasures.

Later, I opened (2) more boxes ....mostly Kathy's mom's slides & silent movie reels. The other box was loaded with more of my slides & reels of sound movies. DSC0001322.JPG Dinner: we each had a Reuben sandwich without the sauerkraut; we didn't realize we ran out of that.
After our dinner, we called Melissa to let her know that we are planning to attend the magic show & "It's a Wonderful Life" parade on Friday.

Lights out: 10:58pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 22, 2011 7:46 PM.

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