Monday 14 November 2011

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Awake: 5:15am      Temp 54      sleep 5+57      windy--rain      overnight @ Nicktown.

Back in our house after the KK meeting, Katrina called us while she was driving to school; she is taking tomorrow off & joining an ole friend who is in town for a day. She thinks they will most likely go hiking.

Today we moved more boxes to slowly open up & have access to our nearby toilet not far from our Master Bedroom. In opening the boxes, I found my super 8 with sound Beaulieu movie camera that made many movies of our kids growing up.


  I also found the IBM electric typewriter that maybe the Grand kids would learn to type on. DSC0001317.JPG And my (3) aluminum suitcases are now in a new storage facility: temporary in the (48) yr old Buick back seat. DSC0001319.JPG Next, K & I were discussing a plan of how to get our packaged Jura coffee maker to a UPS store & have it shipped without having to call & pay for the pickup. With the price we are paying for fixing the Jura, free shipping to & from our house is included. However, we have no idea of when a UPS truck might show up without having to call for him; if we did call, that would be at our cost.

Kathy had an idea; let's call Deborah & ask if she would watch out of her window for the UPS truck, & if one should arrive to drop mail/packages off @ the post office, she could alert us & go stall the UPS truck for a few min until we got there. I quickly approved of that idea.

Kathy called Deborah & she said she would do it. I was going to take the Jura & put it in the back of our Suzuki later, but within minutes, Deborah called & told Kathy, "He's at the school! I'll try to stall him." She hung up & hurried outside. We quickly got the Jura in the trunk & raced to the post office; he was still getting mail out of his truck & taking it into the post office. When he came out, he took our paperwork & our big box. So, the plan worked well & we thanked Deborah for her quick action & alertness.

During the evening, we both looked at & reminisced over the pamphlets & pictures of our (1) month tour of Switzerland in 1996 with the help of our Swiss friends. DSC0001320.JPG Dinner: Leftover creamy white chili, Como toast & for desert: leftover blueberry apple crisp.

Lights out: 10:35pm. 

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 21, 2011 8:53 PM.

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