Sunday 20 November 2011

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Awake: 6:56am.      Temp 51       sleep 7+07      overcast       overnight @ Nicktown.

Basically, Sunday is our day of rest; but we couldn't resist a (30) min exercising opportunity.

Back @ our house, I talked Kathy into taking a ride in my 1963 Buick Riviera now that John has done such a marvelous fix-up job on cleaning the drums & adjusting the brakes. 1st, we drove over to Hastings & visited 1st cousin, Richard, @ Haida Manor. Next month, it will be (4) yrs that he has been in this care center; he will celebrate his 88th birthday on December 9th. We will try & visit Richard more often as we become more organized.

From here, we drove to Barnesboro,& added more high octane to the thirsty Buick. Next, we stopped in to see cousin, Bernie, in Kirschtown. We didn't stay too long as his caretaker was making dinner & darkness was nearby. Bernie is definitely gaining weight but looking good. We put @ least (15) miles on this round robin trip.

Dinner: leftover lasagna from Melissa; very good.

                           I finished my Novel of Noel Wein, Bush pilot of Alaska. DSC0001341.JPG I never met the man but he & his sons, & other partners were quite admired in Alaska during my bush-pilot flying yrs of 1969 & 1970.

They were flying 737's while I flew for Interior Airways.

Later, Nick Skyped us for a good hr. Momoko was a bright eyed doll watching us intently as we talked back & forth.

Lights out: 11:39pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 25, 2011 3:24 PM.

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