Saturday 19 November 2011

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Awake: 6:08am      Temp 31      sleep 6+13      mostly sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting & breakfast, we went outside & filled (3) buckets of good sand for the Foote Family. Soon, some of the leftover bricks & all the sand will be used as fill, thus the reason for (3) more buckets for the Foote sandbox.

Next, I drove the Ford Van around to the front of our house; using a waterproof cloth & some bricks, I covered the front section of the van to continue keeping that eyebrow leak from leaking during a rain, only a temporary fix until I have time to do it right. DSC0001338.JPG Kathy has a beautiful doll, sent to her many years ago from Okinawa. We don't know for sure if she is a Japanese or Chinese? Maybe Nick or Eriko will know? DSC0001339.JPG We attended vigil Mass @ 6:00pm & afterward, my ole buddy, Charlie, visited us for a while in the hex, DSC0001340.JPG Then we went downstairs & played (4) games of pool & had a few snacks along with some wine.

During our teenage yrs, Charlie & I played a lot of pool at Kempts poolroom in Barnesboro; building up our courage before going to the sock-hop dance @ the firehouse nearby. I'm pretty sure that tonight is the 1st time we played pool together ever since I left for collage in Chicago in 1958. We were competitors then & still are today.

Lights out: 11:49pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 25, 2011 2:59 PM.

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