Thursday 6 October 2011

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Awake: 6:05am     Temp 43      sleep 6+37      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Mike, the mason & Sky, the helper, are working all day today. They have most of the front side almost completely finished.

                                                       This is the South wing. DSC0001226.JPG                                             The front entry & looking West. DSC0001227.JPG                                                    And the North wing. DSC0001228.JPG Later Scott from REA called to let me know that Friday's plan on the Geo is a go. "Wonderful" I told him. Meanwhile, today Kathy continued making phones calls to change our address to PA.

Late afternoon, cousin Joe visited & I toured him inside our house. We had a lot to talk about regarding the electrical mechanical games.

Dinner: Tuna steak, rice with golden raisins, a mixed salad & green grapes.

Lights out: 11:22pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 10, 2011 9:44 PM.

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