Friday 7 October 2011

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Awake: 5:53am      Temp 46      sleep 6+31      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

We skipped our KK meeting due to another meeting in our basement. Jason & Mike were the 1st to arrive a little before 9:00am.
About (20) min later, Stoney & his sidekick, Bob, showed up.

Stoney is the owner of the Geo business near Summerset, PA & knows the Geo system inside & out. DSC0001229.JPG He & Bob came here today to make sure 1st of all, our system is working ok; & 2nd, he wanted to tell us about certain things to watch for when changing from summer to winter weather & today, he was also checking on the air in our lines. DSC0001230.JPG Bob does the classroom work with Stoney; Jason & Mike may be going to their classes later this month. Kathy & I paid close attention to their suggestions. All together, our meeting lasted about (1.5) hrs or more. DSC0001231.JPG After our breakfast @ 11:55am, Kathy started doing (2) loads of laundry.

    Later, Carol & neighbor Chuck came over to visit us so we gave them an up-to-date tour. DSC0001232.JPG                                      Chuck is doing much better these days. DSC0001233.JPG           I emptied another BIG box late afternoon....with many good things to organize.

Meanwhile, Lou Anne called & wanted to know if they could visit us, bring some butternuts along & possibly have a tour of our house. "Sure, come on up."

Hirk gave me quite a few butter nuts & we gave them a grand tour. Lou Anne also gave Kathy a very pretty pot of flowers. DSC0001234.JPG Mason Mike spent most of the day by himself as Sky, the helper, was taken to another job. He did get a good start on the front Peers though.

Dinner: Ham ala King with Como bread & green grapes.

Lights out: 11:53.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 10, 2011 10:22 PM.

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