Saturday 24 September 2011

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Awake: 7:02am     Temp 55     sleep 6+25     sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

When I woke up this morning, I saw lights on in our house; Bob & Nathan were not scheduled to work today so who was in there? I quickly changed clothes, went to the house & here was Bob & he had all the switches on the backsplash by the sink removed. He also had the wiring for the wine cooler receptacle apart....looking for a clue as to WHY our Fisher Paycal dishwasher had no electricity. He told us that thinking about this problem was causing him to lose sleep; he had watched the guys wire this dishwasher up & wanted to resolve the issue himself, maybe if he did, he would sleep better!

After the KK meeting, we checked on Bob & by gosh, he had found the problem & it wasn't an easy fix. First, he had to remove several items from under the sink, the Waste King disposal, instant hot water, & Culligan water filters, etc, in  order to thoroughly trouble shoot. He found a wire going to the supply source through several thin walls but wire. The intended wire was wedged between two cabinets. After drilling another hole & fishing the wire thru he was able to plug it in to the intended receptacle. This is the 2nd time that Bob found an electrical glitch. Bob is very careful & good @ working with the electrical sources.

My project today: find the problem with our M.H. air supply. I gathered my tools, got some foam to kneel on & took a good look @ what I've been doing. When Jimmy from Newell told me I had it backwards, I did not quite understand, so today I took the air system apart again, studied it more carefully & finally realized what he really meant. I reversed the unit & then tightened the air lines. When I started the engine, the air pressure kept on climbing & by golly, it's working like it should. My compressors however, still have a problem, so that is next on the list.

Dinner: leftover tuna & noodles with peas & chips.

K & I attended 6:00pm vigil Mass & afterward found a good table so Theresa & John could have some pizza & beer with us.

Late movie: "Roseland." We watched ½.

Lights out: 11:50pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 27, 2011 5:22 PM.

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