Friday 23 September 2011

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Awake: 6:40am      Temp 62      sleep 7:01      gentle rain off & on       overnight @ Nicktown.

The Bassett guys are cutting up bricks this morning; not a good time to sleep late...but Kathy did until the noise. DSC0001172.JPG     They have to shave a few bricks off To brick the Ark (half moon) above the front entry; DSC0001173.JPG        Our front entry was closed all day, thus we used the rear entry to enter our house. DSC0001174.JPG We stayed around our house all morning...& had the cell phone nearby, on guard for my 1st cousin Cy to give us a jingle so we could help him unload his trailer this morning. Well, he was just a little late as he backed his trailer into the storage facility; DSC0001175.JPG    He didn't have many heavy items so we were finished unloading & storing within (45) min. DSC0001176.JPG                           I believe we spent more time chatting then working.

The remainder of the afternoon & part of the evening was spent in my workshop until Kathy gave me a call for dinner, which consisted of: tuna & noodles with peas & broccoli.

Later Melissa called & told us that the fever Gregory & Matthew had was a one day thing. She also talked about the changes that will be made on Face-Book soon; info regarding her per phone book club with 2 friends, one in MO. & one in AK, & she invited us to IUP's homecoming parade & activities next Saturday.

Late movie: "The Power & the Glory with Spencer Tracy, Colleen Moore, Ralph Morgan, Helen Vinson. Considered by many a precursor to CITIZEN KANE, Preston Sturges' script tells rags-to-riches story of callous industrialist (Tracy) in flashbacks. 1933. Most interesting; how many people hated him & many people loved him.

Lights out: 12:17am.

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