Saturday 10 September 2011

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Awake: 6:02am     Temp 62     sleep 5+28     rain...later partly cloudy     overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, we asked our neighbor, Barry, if he would come over & check our ice-cube maker at his convenience. He said he could be at our house in about (15) min. So we returned to our M.H., changed clothes & went to our house. When Barry saw our ice-cube maker, he said he used to work on them during the 70-80's timeframe. Within minutes, he found the problem but had to make a part to be able to fix it.

Meanwhile, we picked up the unused tile & granite in our house, motored to Johnstown & Home Depot to returned (3) granite tiles, (3) glass mosaic tiles, & (5) granite bars. I like these places that give you your money back for what you don't use. Then we did what Bob & Nathan asked us to do; got a 2-ft long threaded pipe so they can hang a ceiling fan in our entry way on Monday.

Next, we visited the Market Basket for some grocery shopping & then returned to Nicktown. We checked on our ice-cube maker & Barry had fixed it & tested it twice. Nice! Thanks Barry.

Early dinner: Reuben sandwich with chips. K & I attended 6:00pm vigil mass &, after, we met with Theresa, John, & Bill at the Nicktown Bar. A nice evening of relaxation & good stories.

Lights out: 1:08am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 12, 2011 11:25 PM.

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