Friday 9 September 2011

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Awake: 6:38am      Temp 66       sleep 6+52      misty....then rain ..lots of rain overnight @ Nicktown.

   1st thing this morning, Bob & Nathan finished hanging my Hunter ceiling fan. I like it a lot. DSC0001121.JPG Today we focused on getting legs on some of our games. Unfortunately I wasted time trying to find the keys to fit the Jukebox, & the helicopter game to no avail.

According to my packing notes (10) yrs ago, the keeper of the keys are in a box. I just haven't opened that box yet.

But the baseball game needed no keys. This 50's electrical mechanical game is heavy; but with some good ideas & strength, from Bob & Nathan, they brought it up on horses & from there, Kathy wanted different bolts to fasten the legs (the old ones were too long & stuck out too far). Bob went to Krumenacker's Hardware store & within mins, the baseball game had respectable legs. DSC0001122.JPG                     Bob & Nathan also lifted the helicopter game to fit the legs on it. DSC0001123.JPG Upstairs in the front entry, the guys were measuring the ceiling span to hang another Hunter ceiling fan but, they needed a pipe about 2-feet long to bring the ceiling fan down a bit. We will put that on our list for tomorrow.

Dinner: Crab cakes, corn on the cob, rice & mango.

We watched ½ of: "Party Girl."

Lights out: 12:36am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 11, 2011 11:26 PM.

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