Tuesday 26 July 2011

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Awake: 6:03am      Temp 65      sleep 7+00    fog ...mostly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Kathy had noodle making this morning & I got the OK from the storage owners to get most of our boxed stuff (not the crated stuff) out of storage...I started @ 8:20am & finished around noon time. In fact, Kathy was walking into the driveway as I was putting the last load of boxes into our house; (33 all together; big & small...more heavy than light).
I had to climb up the ladder for all of them; (2) were so heavy, I brought (2) empty boxes to share the weight & avoid injury. Later, Kathy did (3) loads of laundry.

Before dinner, K & I walked around back of the house to check on the bricking process;it appears that about 50% is finish,


Dinner: Leftover Reuben sandwich with cherries, mango, & spinach salad.

Nick called while walking home from work; (26 min of good talk).

I called my buddy Gary C. & we updated each other for (19) min.

Lights out: 11:33pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 18, 2011 10:42 PM.

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