Monday 25 July 2011

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Awake: 6:33am      Temp 72     sleep 6+11    heavy rain then gentle    overnight @ Nicktown.

1st thing this morning, I called Verizon to come & fix our phone line & high-speed Internet.

Next, I called Scott in Indiana, PA to let him know that (1) of the Hydronic pump's on the Geo-thermo system had a problem so I locked it out. He let me know that (2) of their guys are in our area & will stop in & check it out.

Meanwhile, Kathy went for a Mammogram & returned shortly after 11:00am.

And just before noon time, the REA guys showed up & sure enough, they ran the geo system & agreed that the Hydronic pump is caput.They will order (2) replacements. DSC000998.JPG After a short gab with Kathy, she excused herself & visited her Angel for awhile.

Dinner: Salmon with balsamic vinegar, asparagus, salad & cherries.

Lights out: 11:03pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 17, 2011 9:36 PM.

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