Tuesday 12 July 2011

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Awake: 5:40an      Temp 85 inside the service bay      sleep 5+42      sunny outside     overnight in our M.H. in the service bay.  

After looking & talking about my (4) driving tires & the date on them (almost (5) years) & the cracks on the sidewalls, I thought it would be best to replace them with (4) brand new Michelins. Very expensive! DSC000966.JPGThis afternoon, Kathy took (3) hrs & checked out the city of Miami, OK. Nothing much has changed she told me. 

Meanwhile, Randy is working on our bedroom ceiling mirror which started to have another crack...since the last time we had it replaced. No charge on this repair. 

Some of my other repairs are: nozzle for sewer hose was replaced; ice cube maker line was repaired & checked. Whitey fixed both of those glitches. 

Pull handle on lower refer was very loose; Randy removed the door, tightened the handle & reinstalled door on upper & lower doors. 

Roger had to completely pressure down our dash air-conditioning system & then added 4.5 lbs of Freon. 

Dinner: leftover stew, Como break & a peach. In the customer lounge, K & I watched some of our political programs in the evening. 

Lights out: 10:36pm.

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