Saturday 30 July 2011

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Awake: 6:22am     Temp 68     sleep 6+07     overcast    Overnight @ Nicktown. This morning, we watched (2) brick mason helpers spend hrs loading the scaffolding with brick in readiness for Monday's workday; plus, moving the scaffolding to the south side. Hard workers they are. 

 Meanwhile, Kathy's angel was helping neighbor Shirley, so Kathy walked over & helped Carol; pretty nice of them.

For me, I cleaned out (3) of my desk drawers in the motorhome to keep the organization moving.

Dinner: Chicken, corn on the cob, rice & raisins.  

We finished the movie: Cry, "The Beloved Country" with Canada Lee, Charles Carson, Sidney Poitier, Geoffrey Keen, etc. Simple back-country minister journeys to Johannesburg in search of his son, while fate links his path with that of a wealthy, bigoted white landowner. Heart-rending story. 1951. Slow but well done.

Lights out: 12:56am.


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