Friday 29 July 2011

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Awake: 6:23am Temp 69 sleep 6+25 sunny overnight @ Nicktown. Ted, the high tech guy, spent around (3) hrs today. Now they are very close to finishing the security system. DSC0001005.JPG Bernie, our builder, visited; He is on muscle relaxants & pain pills. His doctor wants him to not do any work for a few weeks.

My brother called & invited us to join them for the Ebensburg town picnic tomorrow; I had to decline due to our need to get things done, plus I had to promise to join them next yr with no excuses, so I should mark that date on next yrs calendar.

Flash news: Today, Melissa found out that her next a Girl! Due date: early October. That will certainly bring some big changes to the Foote Family. We are elated.

               Kathy spent 3.5 hrs painting medicine cabinets & inside doors today. DSC0001006.JPG          Bob visited & is doing some needed work like: changing our front door handle.

Our sunny day turned on the water around 2:40pm with heavy rain & flickering lights.

Dinner: Penny pasta with sausage & zucchini & sweet peppers.

After dinner, we watched ½ of the movie: "Cry the Beloved Country."

Lights out: 12:15am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 19, 2011 1:59 PM.

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