Tuesday 5 July 2011

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Awake: 6:22am      Temp 64      Sleep 6+18      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown. 
We made a short stop @ the KK this morning due to my curiosity of: what's happening with our phone & computer service. Yes, our phone still has no dial tone so, using our cell phone, I called & talked to Verizon tech support; The fellow who I spoke with checked our incoming line & he said there is a strong dial tone right up to the house. Ok, so this problem might be on my end. I spent some time checking all my wiring & plug ins & realized that we did have computer service. Not as strong but we'll take it. Tomorrow I will check the motor home's filters .                                                                                                                                The high tech guys are here today thinking that they are close to being finished. DSC000961.JPG Meanwhile, neighbor Nick came over & brought the cleaned up fuel tank & gas filter; I was amazed to see how clean & shinny those parts are now. Then I got right to work & assembled his carburetor & fuel tank; started his mower up as a test & pushed it back to his storage shed. 

 Next, if you looked @ Nick's lawnmower on yesterday's Blog, you couldn't miss seeing a lot of "stuff" stored under the # 3 slide; that is my next project & it will be moved away from the motorhome & parked somewhere else.
Dinner: Cod Taco with lettuce, tomato,& mango. 
Later, we took some items from our M. H., & stored them in the house. Earlier, Kathy made me a deal I couldn't refuse; one of her nose support pieces for her eyeglasses broke off & she offered to wash & dry the dishes if I would super glue that piece back on. I got lucky so we are both happy.
DSC000962.JPG Lights out: 11:24pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 31, 2011 7:54 PM.

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