Monday 4 July 2011

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Awake: 6:33am      Temp 64      sleep 5+59       mostly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown. 

1st thing this morning, I checked our phone for a dial tone & it was good. After walking to church, & attending Mass & the KK meeting, we checked it again at home & it was dead. 

Usuing our cell phone, I must have called 6 or 7 Verizon phone numbers & each time, all that I could get was a recording. Although they advertised 24 hr service, Independence Day must be a Holiday for everyone @ Verizon. After our breakfast, K & I motored to Johnstown & did some grocery shopping @ Market Basket & Wal-Mart & then, we purchased some tile from Home Depot for my fireplace, DSC000957.JPG                                 & also some Mosaic tile for my fireplace. DSC000958.JPG                       + 2) Medicine Cabinets from Lowe's for our Master Bedroom. DSC000959.JPG Back @ our motorhome, still no phone service so I took neighbor Nick's mower parts (rusty fuel tank & gas filter), DSC000960.JPG                           over to his house & he agreed to clean both parts up. 

 Dinner: Left over stuffed pepper, mixed salad, & bread. We finished the movie: "The Journey" with Deborah Kerr, Yul Brynner, Jason Robards, Jr., Robert Morley, E.G.Marshall, etc. Heady melodrama set in 1956 Budapest, with assorted types seeking to leave.Offbeat romance between Kerr and Communist officer Brynner. 1959. Interesting story with good acting. 
Lights out: 12:04am.

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