Sunday 19 June 2011

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Awake: 7:17am       Temp 65      sleep 7+02       partly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Late morning, Nick called & wished me a "Happy Father's Day" & I enjoyed the honor of wishing him a "Happy Father's Day" as well. We talked for quite a while & then I brought Kathy on to share the call. Most of our talk was the updating of our house furnishing & then we heard about his change of plans with his house project. After a good hour of sharing talk of our respective future homes, I went outside to get the BIG BURN pile ready for the Foote family's contribution of stuff.

Around 2:40pm, the Foote family arrived & @ the same time, visitors from a mile away also arrived. Dolly & her mother, Rosemary, were curious to see our house progress also; so I asked Kathy if she would tour D & R while I got started with the Foote family & the burn pile. DSC000905.JPG This time, the roots & stumps were dry & I used a little more gasoline down under to get the fire burning hot. DSC000906.JPG In fact, both the boys & the adults, kept our distance due to the heat from the warmer day & from the burning pile itself. DSC000907.JPG After Kathy finished touring Rosemary & Dolly, we thanked them for their visit & they thanked Kathy for the tour. Then we focused on the Foote family & brought out the pulled pork, hot dogs, s'mores, big strawberries, grapes & chips.

                Later, the BIG BURN was down to ashes & the heat was acceptable. DSC000908.JPG                              Then it was time for the Foote family to leave. DSC000909.JPG The day went fast for us so to slow it down a little, we watched the movie: "It's Love I'm After." We watched ½.

Lights out: 11:47pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 1, 2011 6:03 PM.

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