Saturday 18 June 2011

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Awake: 5:58am      Temp 61       sleep 5+23       sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, some of us looked @ the new carpet our Nicktown Church had laid in the last days; it looks good & hopefully will last a long time.

After our late breakfast, we motored to the Foote Castle to spend some more time with Katrina + playing with the Foote boys. Upon entering the Foote Castle, 1st we got by the guard dog, "Kinley," by rubbing her head, neck, forehead, etc. DSC000895.JPG          Then just around the corner, I saw a monkey climbing the wall without a ladder. DSC000896.JPG                    Then I went outside to see another creature high up in the tree: DSC000898.JPG What's going on here? The dog is in the pen, a loose monkey in the house & a strange creature in the tree? DSC000897.JPG Actually, this is quite normal for the Foote family. They are simply having a good time when they can. DSC000899.JPG                       Nathan is up to something....maybe we will find out soon. DSC000900.JPG                       Hey, we had a backyard picnic in honor of Katrina's visit. DSC000901.JPG              
That photo excluded the camera let's get that guy in the picture. DSC000902.JPG                                               Now, that's better.

After the scrumptious hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, strawberry's, etc, by Master cook, Kevin, I was invited to spend some more time in the workshop unsoldering & getting more electrical parts to add to Matthew's bulging hidden chest. DSC000903.JPG                                        Where did we get the parts from? DSC000904.JPG                                   From a number of faulty circuit boards.

About 2:20 pm, Katrina got herself organized to leave & catch the 6:00pm flight back to Denver. She had a rental car to gas up & return before checking in so it was time to say our goodbyes; we thanked her for the visit & the dinner treat last evening & wished her a save & comfortable trip.

We also thanked Kevin & Melissa for the outdoor picnic treat.... & we invited them to join us tomorrow for another "Big Burn" in our back yard.

Next, we attended the 4:00pm Mass @ St. Thomas More church just a few miles from the Foote Castle.

Back in our M. H., we started to watch the movie: "His Girl Friday" but someone lost interest
before too it was lights out: 12:15am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 29, 2011 8:50 PM.

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