Sunday 29 May 2011

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Awake: 8:00am      Temp 68      sleep 8+00      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

After breakfast, Kathy returned to her painting of the inside doors. I turned specific lights on so she could see better to paint & turned on the outside water faucets for rinsing the paint brush. DSC000804.JPG During these last several weeks, occasionally I would see a humming bird flying around our M.H., so this afternoon I got our feeder out & added the required nectar to feed those beautiful birds. After Kathy finished her painting process, she recommended that we take a walk for exercise. "Good idea," I said & away we went.

It wasn't our usual route through town; we followed a path that took us down hill into the woods & then uphill & out into a field. About a (45) min walk.

Dinner: 4-bean salad, & tuna salad.

Afterward, we finished watching: "Auntie Mame" with Rosalind Russell, Forrest Tucker, Coral Browne, Fred Clark, Roger Smith, etc. Colorful film version of Patrick Dennis' novel about his eccentric aunt, who believes that "life is a banquet; and most poor suckers are starving to death." Episodic but highly entertaining, sparked by Russell's tour-de-force performance. 1958. It was ok but I couldn't watch it again.

Zack called a little after 11:00pm. He had questions on seating arrangements for the reception; quite a task & no firm decisions were made.

Lights out: 12:27am.

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