Saturday 28 May 2011

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Awake: 6:31am      Temp 61      sleep 6+57      sunny      overnight & Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, we checked our post office box & picked up our forwarded mail from Anchorage. Along with our breakfast, we thumbed thru some of our mail.

Earlier this week, we had an invitation to join Lou Ann & Herk @ their place to celebrate "60" years of marriage & so we did. I wasn't expecting the crowd they had; DSC000801.JPG The adults were busy chatting, laughing & having a good time, while the kids were playing & having their own good time.

Here we have a picture of the blushing bride sitting in the middle of the swing. DSC000802.JPG                                 And a snapshot of the contented groom. DSC000803.JPG Later, we attended vigil Mass @ Nicktown & after church, we met a lady, Jean, whom we've seen several times but never really talked with. She left her home in FL last fall to care for her mother here in Nicktown. We were happy to have Jean join John, Bill, Theresa, Kathy & me at the Nicktown Hotel for our Saturday evening meeting.

Evening movie: "Auntie Mame." We watched 1/2.

Lights out: 12:00 Midnight.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 1, 2011 7:19 AM.

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