Wednesday 25 May 2011

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Awake: 6:32am     Temp 61      sleep 6+43      fog--mostly sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

After our coffee, Kathy vacuumed & washed the granite floor in preparation for our young friends. We didn't know if they were having breakfast before arriving or just in case, we had our breakfast.

About 9:30am, Larry called to let us know that they were less than a mile away & so we went outside & greeted them in our driveway. We haven't see Larry & Sally since March of 2010 during our (3) months of touring San Diego. And today, they looked as good as ever.

They were eager to see our new house so we proceeded right into a house tour. Afterward, we invited them into our M.H. & we updated each other for a good (50) min. Unfortunately, I did more yakety-yak then picture taking.

                    Here we have Larry, Sally & Kathy checking out our basement. DSC000787.JPG                     And here is Larry scouting the view from top-soil Mountain. DSC000788.JPG We felt that they were destined to return to their home in Wisconsin today with just a few hrs to spend here in Nicktown & we were reminded that they hadn't had breakfast so we all motored to Roland's Family Restaurant in Spangler where they had breakfast & K & I shared a ¾ lb hamburger.

En route back to Nicktown, Larry was curious to see Kirschtown where I was born & raised, so we did that (5) min slow passing gesture & then stopped by the church in Nicktown & said our "goodbyes & safe travels."

Even though the visit was short, we enjoyed seeing them again & certainly hope to meet up with then soon in our travels.

Back @ our M.H., I started trouble shooting our Snapper lawn mower. Of course, I suspected that I failed in getting some Fuel Stabilizer into the carburetor before the winter season was upon us my carburetor most likely has dried up gas pains. Time was against me so that project is on hold for now.

Dinner: Reubén sandwich with chips.

About 7:40pm, 1st cousin Cy visited & we chewed the fat over a glass of Merlot for over an hr. Since we planned to check a string of indirect lights in our house when dark, we invited Cy along. After that, Cy left & we watched our recorded political programs & Jeopardy.

Lights out: 11:59pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 29, 2011 4:50 PM.

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