Sunday 22 May 2011

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Awake: 7:22am       Temp 63      sleep 6+46      mostly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

About 9:30am, a different car came into our driveway; taking a good look, it was our architect, Scott; we haven't seen him since last summer @ the Nicktown picnic.

He was curious as to how our house building was coming along. So we took him on a tour, main floor & basement. He remembered just about all of the house rooms, the nooks & crannies, etc. He did comment on the basement hex being different than he expected, but basically, he felt the plans worked well... & we agreed so.

After Scott left, I topped off the pure water tank & dumped the gray. Then, to give our legs some exercise, K & I took a walk around town & up & down a few small hills...stopping to talk with Pat, Ev, & Betty, who also were enjoying a decent day.

Back @ our M.H., my sister, Mary Jo called & we chatted for about 20-25 min. Most of the talk concerned the up & coming Zack & Katie wedding; it seems that brother Don failed to get a room in the same hotel that all of us are staying in & she was concerned. We skyped with Zack a little later (1 hr-4 min) & he didn't know why Don had a problem, but felt Don should be able to get a room where the family is staying if he's interested. Katie was in Chicago tending to last minute wedding plans & Zack was busy with projects for work.

Kathy asked Zack how his teeth were doing & here is how he responded: DSC000783.JPG His right eyetooth has just about completely straightened out in (7) weeks using "Invisiline" braces.

Dinner: Tuna, rice with pecans & golden raisins, salad, grapes, mango & cantaloupe.

Later, our friend Larry called from N.Y.C. They planed on visiting us sometime next week & wanted to be sure we would be in town. "Absolutely" I told him.

We watched 1/2 of the movie: "Happy Times."

Lights out: 12:23am.

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