Saturday 21 May 2011

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Awake: 6:37am      Temp 49       sleep 7+01       fog...sunshine      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our coffee we joined the KK meeting for about ½ of the usual time frame. I wanted to be prepared for the: BIG BURN today. The Foote family predicted they would be arriving sometime around 2:00pm. So, by returning to our property, I was able to get a few more wheelbarrow loads of roots & stumps for the big burn. I also brought out my (2) water hoses that stretched far enough to: "put out the fire" in the event there should be strong winds if matters tried to get out of hand.

The Foote family arrived in (2) vehicles about 2:25pm. Melissa drove the 1984 Van with the boys & Kevin drove the Toyota Sienna alone because that Sienna was absolutely loaded with stuff, burnable stuff.

He had removed all of the back seats allowing a spacious area to carry a remarkable amount of ....stuff. Our Big Burn didn't exactly get off to a roaring start; most likely due to those big damp stumps & moist roots. DSC000778.JPG               In fact, our smoke was keeping us away from lighting Kevin's dry trash. DSC000779.JPG Even the boys were not very impressed. Eventually our little burn burned a little better; hot enough to chase Matthew away from the heat & smoke but still hanging onto his stick with the marshmallows. DSC000780.JPG Meanwhile, behind the scenes, this was where the action was: hot dogs, s'mores, chocolate mice, drink, etc. DSC000781.JPG Actually, when the time came, the boys seemed to enjoy putting the small fire out with the water hose more than building a bigger fire. They each took a turn spraying the flames (except Gregory). DSC000782.JPG We said our goodbyes to the Foote family, changed clothes & attended 6:00pm Mass @ Nicktown.

Afterward, we joined Barry @ the Nicktown Bar & then Bill arrived & Theresa. Our small pizza went well with the 1& 1/3 glass of beer.

Back @ our M.H., we watched the movie: "Prisoner of Zenda" with Ronald Colman, Madeleine Carroll, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., C. Aubrey Smith, etc. Lavish costume romance/adventure with excellent casting; Colman is forced to substitute for lookalike cousin, King of Ruritanian country, but commoner Colman falls in love with regal Carroll. Fairbanks nearly steals the show as villainous Rupert of Hentxau. 1937. We enjoyed this story very much. Lights out: 12:36am.

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