Saturday 16 April 2011

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Awake: 6:26am     Temp 44      sleep 6+14     rain...heavy @ times     overnight @ Nicktown.

Carol & her granddaughter, Cor, arrived @ 9:55am the "angel" & Kathy could add the finishing touches to the pearlized hex ceiling circle. Here you see the hex circle with lights on. DSC000660.JPG                                 And here is the Hex circle with lights off. DSC000661.JPG The pearlized effect can be seen either way. Now let's have a look after the inspector really looked it over. DSC000662.JPG Back @ our M.H., for some odd reason, I was having trouble logging on to; &, not wanting to bug our boys for ideas, I tried many ways to bring my computer back to life.... while spending too much time to figure out: "what was happening."

In lieu of having more frustrating moments, I opted to motor to the Community Center & exercised for 1.5 hrs. Back @ the M.H., & on my computer, the same symptom prevailed; who should I call? Not the Ghost Busters but our young guru Zack.

 Zack answered my call & told me if Google doesn't work, then your computer is not @ fault. Gosh, I tried Google several times & sure enough, it didn't work.

Then I sent an e-mail to Nick & described my problems. So, no computer for me today & no answer from Nick! He is obviously busy.

My sister, Mary Jo, called from CA. She talked briefly to Kathy & that was it. Kathy relayed a message that she had been in bed for (2) days with stomach flu & tho better was feeling very weak.

Melissa also called & didn't talk very long due to small children waking up.

Dinner: Soup: (carrot & Coriander) & Como toast.

Later K & I attended 6:00pm Mass in Nicktown & afterward, Theresa, John, Kathy & I enjoyed some pizza with beer. Would you believe, moments before leaving for church, the rain subsided, the sun came out & the rest of the evening was blissful. DSC000663.JPG                        Back in our M.H., K & I watched 2/3rds of: "A Summer Place."

Lights out: 12:13am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 20, 2011 11:47 AM.

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