Friday 15 April 2011

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Awake: 6:00am       Temp 41      sleep 6+34      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, Kathy motored to C & L Installers to pick up some tile samples that she ordered & on to Ebensburg where she made (3) stops.

John B called & wanted to know if I could locate an airplane that, years ago, belonged to his older brother. Now his older brother would like to know where it is & if it is still flying. He said the aircraft number was: N83939.
                        So I had Google help me out. In no time @ all, up came this info. DSC000658.JPG If I wanted more info, I would have to become a member & probably shell out some $$. I left John a message with the limited data. Later in the day, John thanked me for the info I had gotten. He wanted more so without signing up for anything else, I'll do my best.

About 2:15pm, K & I dressed for a photo op that our Saint Nicholas parish has for a directory. The price is zero & you get one free photo of your choosing with options to buy many more. It didn't take long & the photographer was very professional.

Back on our property, we visited the construction team before they left for the weekend. Kathy & I both had questions. We also saw their method of spray painting the Molding & having a quicker & reasonable drying system. DSC000659.JPG Dinner: Cod fish, spinach salad, & Como toast.

Lights out: 12:12am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 19, 2011 9:41 AM.

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