Sunday 20 March 2011

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Awake: 8:02am      Temp 27      sleep 6+48      sunny       overnight @ Nicktown.

Again, when the sun began to hit our house, I opened (21) windows. After our breakfast, K & I motored to Johnstown to check on different tiles in both stores: Lowe's & Home Depot.

                     At Lowe's, Kathy wonders: would this be ok for your fireplace? DSC000573.JPG Kathy fell in love with this.....for our bedroom, until she found out: it's marble. Big $$$. DSC000574.JPG We spent a lot of time in both stores, looking @ granite, porcelain, marble, etc. Decisions, decisions? DSC000575.JPG When we returned from Johnstown, a phone message was waiting for us from Skip (Floyd) & Darlene; local art teachers who have talents that we are eager to explore. We returned their call & invited them over to get to know them better & give them a tour of our house.

Skip prefers to paint on canvas, but Darlene prefers to faux paint on walls & I have a picture in my mind that I would like to have painted.

Upon their arrival, we went directly to the house, talked & brought up my picture idea. Skip was interested in helping, but reiterated that Darlene is the one to paint on walls; all he needs is a picture to begin with. Nice people; we will keep in touch. DSC000576.JPG        Dinner: leftover Italian sausage with onions & peppers & tomatoes + Como toast.

Mid evening, Zack Skyped us. He updated us on the hotel choices available for their wedding & his work as a leading man. DSC000577.JPG                      He also showed us his official degree of "Master of Science." DSC000578.JPG Congratulations to you Zack. Proud parents we are! We are getting excited about your wedding.

Lights out: 12:27am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 23, 2011 7:21 PM.

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