Saturday 19 March 2011

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Awake: 6:00am       Temp 37      sleep 6+30      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, Carol arrived to help Kathy with the color decisions in different rooms. She also suggested a different fireplace surround for my basement fireplace. DSC000571.JPG After the sunshine started lighting up our house, I opened (21) windows to help dry the new paint in the basement & to dry the G.C. in the main floor.

Mid afternoon, my 1st cousins, Lou, Tony, & Cy, Cy's wife, Jan, & their married daughter, Trish, & her husband, Brian, visited us.  photo of Jan & Trish with Kathy DSC000572.JPG All except Lou & Tony had driven up from Maryland to check on a few things; Lou drove in from Cleveland, Ohio & Tony drove in from St. Vincent. It was fun showing them around the rooms, the main hex & basement hex, etc. But that Geothermal equipment room distracted us guys so much, I missed out on getting a good photo of the guys.

Dinner: Tuna salad on lettuce.

Late movie: "What ever Happened to Baby Jane?" with Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Victor Buono, Marjorie Bennett, & Anna Lee. Far-fetched, thoroughly engaging black comedy of two former movie stars; Joan's a cripple at the mercy of demented sister Baby Jane Hudson (Davis). Bette has a field day in her macabre characterization, with Buono a perfect match. Triggered a decade-long spate of older female stars in horror films. 1962. Wow, you won't take a nap watching this horror movie.

Lights out: 1:14am.

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