Wednesday 9 February 2011

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Awake: 6:18      Temp 5     sleep 7+08     partly sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, Kathy ate a quick breakfast & then joined her bowling buddies in Indiana, PA.

During her absence, Jill from Duncansville phoned & told me that the kitchen cabinets will arrive on February 21st. She said they would store them for a time but not a lengthy time.

Shortly after talking with Jill, Bernie visited & asked me if I thought Brian, the main man with the well drilling operation, would let him dig the trenches, & lay the tubing, etc. Brian wouldn't have to bring his equipment up here again since we have the Cunningham boys about (5) miles away, etc.

I liked the idea immediately so I gave Brian a call & left a message with his secretary. About an hr later, Brian called & we talked about Bernie finishing the job for him. Sure enough, he was interested...mostly because he wouldn't have to bring his equipment up here again & if he does agree to the idea, he would send @ least one man to make sure all goes well (no pun intended). I gave Brian Bernie's cell phone # so they could talk about it further.

A short time later, Dave called from 84-Lumber. He got the color samples for our entry door.

For the calls Kathy would handle, I took notes, otherwise I was like a guy Friday on Wednesday.

By the way, Kathy had a 137 average for (4) games today. I was happy that she was happy.

Dinner: Tuna noodle casserole & a spinach salad.

Lights out: 11:23.   

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 13, 2011 2:53 PM.

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