Thursday 10 February 2011

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Awake: 6:23am       Temp 8       sleep 7+00       sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

We skipped our KK meeting this morning to try & stay ahead of today's activities. We did make a trip to Barnesboro however & when we returned, we witnessed the Cunningham guys bringing in their excavator. DSC000444.JPG That tells me that Bernie & Brian have worked out a deal that would save time & $$ by having a nearby excavator do the digging of the trenches.These are necessary to run the Geo tubes from the field,under the ground & into (2) larger pipes that will bring the tubes into the equipment room in the basement. This is the start of the trench process. DSC000445.JPG Steve had some frozen earth close to the foundation which took some time & patient scratching. DSC000446.JPG             Meanwhile, the Bernie team continued wall boarding the basement hex: DSC000447.JPG      After getting thru that frozen earth, Steve began making fair progress with the trench. DSC000448.JPG        Behind the insulation are the (2) inlet pipes where the tubes will be pulled through. DSC000449.JPG                              And now a bird's eye view from the main floor. DSC000450.JPG Later today I discovered a water leak in the auto shutoff unit in our basement. I've been watching these low teen temperatures closely...but due to a failed Teddy heater in January of this year, the back-up system lacked the heating power to keep that lower auto shutoff unit warm enough. My fault; I could have planned differently. For the time being, I have a small ceramic heater keeping that area nice & warm.

Next, I called the Hartford Insurance Co. & paid my Suzuki insurance for the year 2011.

Then one of the girls from Lowe's called; she will make sure we get (1) more weather strip for an (8) ft garage door & a full set of Sun Ray Panels for all the garage windows.

Early evening, a dump truck drove into our circular drive & deposited a good load of black sand behind the house. Tomorrow, more digging, laying the tubes & covering up afterward.

Dinner: A left-over smorgasbord; Italian sausage with veggies; pork medallion with apples & a slice of Nicktown bar Pizza.

Lights out: 11:00pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 14, 2011 12:02 PM.

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