Wednesday 5 January 2011

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Awake: 5:55am    Temp 25    sleep 6+22     flurries with sunshine     overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I skipped the KK meeting due to a busy planned schedule. After breakfast, I motored to Barnesboro for the 3rd visit to the dentist. This time, it was a short stay (25) min & now: "I can show you my teeth."

Back @ our motorhome, we got ready to pick up our "man door" @ Lowe's in Johnstown. But before we did so, we loaded up on groceries @ Conzatti's & the Market Basket.

@ Lowe's, we discovered that our "man door" was too big to carry on top of our Suzuki. So we had (2) choices: drive back to Nicktown & borrow Bernie's truck...which he offered before we left...or rent the Lowe's truck for ($20) + fuel usage. We selected Lowe's truck. DSC000348.JPG We had (75) min to do the round trip to avoid getting an extra charge. Fortunately the roads were clear & traffic was minimal. When we arrived, Ryan & Adam scurried out of the basement & quickly took that "man door" inside. DSC000350.JPG We hopped back in the truck & headed back to Lowe's, arriving there with (12) min left when we parked.

Dinner: more leftovers from yesterday's leftovers.

Mid evening, we talked with both Melissa & Kevin; with Melissa, about Kathy babysitting for the boys next week & with Kevin, more high tech wiring for the house.

Lights out: 11:19pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 11, 2011 5:28 AM.

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