Thursday 6 January 2011

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Awake: 6:20am      Temp 19      sleep 7+01      flurries all day      overnight @ Nicktown.

My 1st cousin Florentz joined us @ our KK this morning; always nice to have him visit. Afterward, Kathy motored to Barnesboro for her P.T.

During my breakfast, I noticed a different truck outside our window; it was the Penelec electric company. DSC000351.JPG They will be connecting the proper leads to feed electricity directly to the house in lieu of having it taken from our motorhome campground units. DSC000352.JPG For the time being, we will have (2) individual meters running. Here they are installing the new meter. DSC000353.JPG Late morning, I started filling the motorhome's pure water tank. About the same time, Harold brought our (3) garage doors from Lowe's & the construction team placed them inside the basement. DSC000354.JPG Shortly after that, Kathy returned from her P.T. just in time to see the tractor trailer bring our guest bathtub to the house. Again, Adam & Ryan were right there to help load it into the house, inspect it for any damage & close it up for now. DSC000355.JPG Then we visited Bernie & Bob regarding other ideas.

Dinner: Baked Pastina with chicken casserole.

Lights out: 11:31 pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 11, 2011 10:34 AM.

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