Sunday 16 January 2011

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Awake: 7:45am       Temp 20      sleep 7+25       snow flurries with sunshine      overnight @ Nicktown.

Early afternoon, K & I walked around the outside of our house & inside perusing both floors. The sunshine coming through the windows made our visit most comfortable....on the main floor. DSC000377.JPG   The basement remained chilly. In the basement hex, the builders are making the soffit. DSC000378.JPG Dinner: Leftover pork veggie stir fry with toast & rice. 
We finished watching the movie: "Gandhi" with Ben Kingsley, Candice Bergen, Edward Fox, John Gielgud, Trevor Howard, John Mills, Martin Sheen, etc. Sweeping account of the life and times of Mohandas K. Gandhi, who rose from a position of simple lawyer to become a nation's leader and a worldwide symbol of peace and understanding. Kingsley gives an unforgettable performance in the lead. Eight Oscars including Best Picture. 1982. Wow! Gandhi was amazing; don't miss this one for sure 1982.

Lights out: 11:36pm.

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