Saturday 15 January 2011

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Awake: 6:04am     Temp 21      sleep 6+08     blowing snow     overnight @ Nicktown.

After my breakfast, I spent nearly (2) hrs getting pure water from our well & filling the motor homes's tank. 1st I run the well water onto the snow....watching the iron color slowly disappear, DSC000374.JPG when the water color matched the snow color, I attached my portable water filter to the hose & fed it into the motorhome's tank. DSC000375.JPG I purposely left a loose hose connection so that water leaks into a cup...making sure the water going into our tank is snowwhite. DSC000376.JPG Due to freezing temps, I had to hustle & coil my 45 ft hose up before it turned into a stiff piece of rubber ...+ the portable water filters needed to be back into the basement ASAP also. Hey, this is why we headed south, south west from Nicktown all of these years during the winter.

Mid afternoon, Kathy made us another special sandwich: the famous Rubin, oh so good.

Then K & I attended 6:00pm vigil Mass &, afterward, met Theresa @ the Nicktown bar for (1) beer each. Tonight we were somewhat distracted (in an exciting way) due to the Pittsburgh Steelers winning the football game against Baltimore.

Back in our motorhome, with popcorn, we began watching the movie: "Gandhi." We watched 1/3.

Lights out: 12:20am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 18, 2011 9:20 AM.

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