Sunday 28 November 2010

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Awake: 7:47am      Temp 26       sleep 7+25       partly sunny       overnight @ Nicktown.

I was a little leery about tomorrow's weather & definitely, the rest of the week, so early afternoon, I suggested to Kathy, "let's do laundry today." (3) loads of laundry shouldn't take that long but I kept busy outside & Kathy was busy inside....most of the afternoon.

Before darkness set in, I took a few photos to update our house. The Tyvek wrapping will keep the wind, rain & snow off the wood structure & also allow heat inside for the building crew. DSC000205.JPG                It's not a big house, it just takes awhile to walk around it; sun no more. DSC000206.JPG I haven't read a novel for a few years; just trying to keep up with the magazines I get monthly keeps me busy reading. Well today, I began reading: "Pinheads & Patriots" by Bill O'Reilly. Kathy is also reading this documentary so we take turns.

                 Dinner: Alaska salmon with broccoli & rice with golden raisins.

Just before starting our evening movie, I heard a noise in the kitchen that didn't sound good! DSC000207.JPG We both spent some time on our hands & knees while meticulously separating the kernels from the shredded glass. Then enjoying some popped popcorn, we watched: "The Great Caruso." with Mario Lanza, Ann Blyth, Jarmila Novotna, & Dorothy Kirsten. Biographical. Fiction about the legendary singer, entertainingly done. Fine music makes cliché's endurable. 1951. Well anyway, it was good music & the popcorn was delicious.

Lights out: 12:12am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 1, 2010 11:52 AM.

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