Monday 29 November 2010

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Awake: 5:56am     Temp 31     sleep 5+44     sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

After the KK meeting, Kathy motored to Barnesboro to have some therapy for her leg, which has been painful for over a month now.

During her absence, I spent about (2) hrs reading: "Pinheads & Patriots."  Then I made a few phone calls to well drillers in the area & explained to them what we need to have done for our geo-thermo system. Later, I talked with both of them again. I also printed out a list for Bernie indicating what we would like to have powered in our house in the event of a power outage.

Dinner: leftover tuna & noodle, spinach salad, & acorn squash.

Melissa called mid evening; she wants to know what day we would like to come over for a visit. We settled on visiting Wednesday so we could grocery shop with the boys.

Evening movie: "Caged." We watched (50) min.

Lights out: 11:49pm.            

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 1, 2010 1:19 PM.

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