Saturday 18 December 2010

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Awake: 7:08am      Temp 19     sleep 6+58      high thin overcast     overnight @ Nicktown.

Kathy joined the KK meeting this morning & then helped clean the church for the up coming holidays. I wanted to clean up my act as well so I stayed home & continued going thru my bundle of mail until 9:30am.

Next, I had the challenge of getting 161 gallons of well water into our motorhome; seems that one buried faucet must have frozen up &, after pouring (3) large pots of water on that faucet, nothing changed. So I got my (45) foot water hose & did my best to keep that from freezing in the process.

It took over (3) hrs to fill our pure water tank due to the extra hose & fittings I had to switch out. Temperature outside: (23). UGH!

Kathy & I planned on a trip to Ebensburg to be there @ 2:00pm. I didn't want to be late so I skipped breakfast & we were early... but that was a good thing. Today, Ebensburg Yamaha raffled off a "V-Star 1100 Yamaha Motorcycle." You had to be present to win. It cost nothing so I thought I would give it a try. DSC000267.JPG Gosh, bikers everywhere, except they were driving cars, Jeeps, 4-wheel drives, etc. What a crowd; a large building but still it was body to body, standing room only.

(1 & ½) hrs later, a middle aged fellow that I could barely see yelled: "That's me." Then the rush to evacuate!

Next, we picked up a few groceries from Wal-Mart & West End Market & then went home. I ate my breakfast about 4:00pm. Then K & I attended the 6:00pm vigil Mass & afterward, had a small pizza with beer & some good talk with John & Theresa.

Tonight's movie: "Odd Man Out." We watched ½.

Lights out: 12:45am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 20, 2010 7:05 PM.

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