Saturday 11 December 2010

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Awake: 6:43am      Temp 29       sleep 6+20      partly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Melissa called early this morning; I was awake but Kathy was sound asleep so I opted to not wake her up. When Melissa called later, she talked about our plans for Christmas Day. We agreed to volunteer with the Foote family to serve meals at a shelter & then enjoy the rest of the day at their house, opening presents, etc.

Then K & I attended our KK meeting but left early (9:00am) due to Kathy's volunteer kitchen work of serving lunch to about (75) people in attendance at the funeral of a family member. Meanwhile, after my breakfast, using my hammer, I carefully got rid of Mother Nature's eloquent sculptures & other icicles. Up on the motorhome roof, hazardous was the word. DSC000245.JPG                An all metal roof with snow is the slipperiness I've every experienced.

Everything was warming up with the temp hovering @ 41 degrees. So I warmed up the CAT engine using the Aqua-hot system & then ran the engine for a good (20) min. Then I tilted the bus about (5) degrees toward the drivers keep the rain/snow melting and draining away from the entry door. I also cut a strip of Tyvek & covered our entry door bell button & entry door opening button to keep those buttons from getting wet & freezing up. DSC000246.JPG Next, I filled up our pure water tank & emptied our gray water tank. By this time, 2:15pm, Kathy returned & was very tired.

Funeral luncheons are generally held in the church hall, but since it had been rented, today's luncheon was held in the school cafeteria which is in the basement. However, some kitchen equipment had to be brought from the first floor & some preparations had to be done on the first floor & transported to the basement, entailing many trips up & down the stairs. But she had the stamina necessary to do (3) loads of laundry before we attended the 6:00pm vigil mass @ Saint Nicholas church.

Afterward, Kathy, Theresa, John & I patronized the Nicktown bar where we had a medium sized pizza, some beer & lots of good yak-yak time.

Back @ our motorhome, we watched: "Bullitt" with Steve McQueen, Robert Vaughn, Jacqueline Bisset, Don Gordon, Robert Duvall, etc. Definitive McQueen antihero: police detective who senses something fishy behind assignment to guard criminal witness. Taut action-film makes great use of San Francisco locations, especially in now-classic car chase, one of the screen's all-time best. 1968. Great story! And wonder woman Kathy stayed awake the entire time. A proud husband I am. 

Lights out: 12:11am.

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