Monday 13 December 2010

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Awake: 6:20am    Temp 22    sleep 6+52    snow....blowing snow    overnight @ Nicktown.

A middle aged lady of (47) was walking back to her car this morning, slipped on the snow/ice & fell landing very hard on her left knee. She was in great pain & unable to move. She laid on the ice until the ambulance arrived.

Several of our KK members were nearby & found blankets with which to cover her & tried to comfort her until help arrived.

Yes, under the snow there could be ice & we do our best to be careful. Kathy & I cut our KK meeting a little short due to Kathy going for her P.T. this morning.

After Kathy returned & she had breakfast/brunch, we responded to Bernie's request to pay him a visit in the house. He asked for decision making on the mud-room, electrical outlets in the basement hex, the switchboard (which may be upstairs), booths & wall speakers, electrical mechanical units, workshop & lights for work benches. Wow! That was NOT a no brainier.

Dinner: Rigatoni with Italian sausage, peppers & onions...and toast.

Lights out: 11:36pm.         

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