Sunday 17 October 2010

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Awake: 7:24am      Temp 46       sleep 7+14       sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Our morning was spent almost like real seniors: in peaceful relaxation & dignity. Then about 1:10pm, in came the Foote family. We walked & toured them around the basement floor where most of the room studs were in place. This was the 1st time Kevin saw our home building project & he had many questions.

From here, we drove in separate cars & met about 3/4th of a mile down the road at the "Corn Maze," across from the Barr Ridge Dairy Farm. This year's theme was "The Wizard of Oz."

After we got our punch & check sheets, we proceeded to the maze where Matthew took the lead. DSC00146.JPG The weather was perfect & the boys were excited.....for the 1st (45) min or so; we were doing great & covered a lot of the trails finding Dorothy right quick; DSC00148.JPG ...but Nathan, who was holding my finger, was slowing down the pace. His interest was more in corn then finding the Cowardly Lion. DSC00149.JPG It was a bit much for this young guy (age 3+), walking / running around all those tall corn stalks, unable to see very well, etc. He picked the right guy to help him out....his dad & up on his shoulders he went with a big smile.

But soon after, the (3) younger Foote guys had their fill of the maze & were eager to play with the trucks in the large "corn box" just outside the maze.

We had 2 more characters to find & Matthew announced he would try to find one more. So off Kevin, Kathy, Matthew & I went. In about 5 minutes we found one of the missing characters & Matthew announced: "That's enough for me. I want to play in the corn box," so off he & Kevin went.

Kathy & I continued on our own for a short (10) min or so; Kathy found the Tinman's Heart just before I did. Then we joined the Footes in the corn box. DSC00151.JPG We all had a fun time regardless of going around in circles so much. Nathan looked a lot happier in the corn box than he did holding those ears of corn. DSC00157.JPG guess who? DSC00159.JPG We said our goodbyes to the Foote family & weather permitting, we'll see them on Tuesday.

Dinner: Alaska Salmon, rice with golden raisins, 4-bean salad & steamed veggies. DSC00161.JPG Lights out: 12:17am.

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