Saturday 16 October 2010

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Awake: 6:46am     Temp 41     sleep 6+36     sunny & cool     overnight @ Nicktown.

After the KK meeting, I called & talked with my aviation buddy, Barry; who just had arthroscopic surgery on his knee Friday a week ago. We've been missing him @ our KK. We didn't talk too long as he had other things to do but he is getting around & expects to return to the KK starting Monday.

Mid afternoon, our near neighbor, Chuck, was walking around with a young man whom he wanted me to meet. I finally met the youngest son of Chuck & Shirley's (10) children. Greg is married & living in State College, PA. It took awhile but I think I have finally met all of Chuck's children.

K & I attended 6:00pm vigil Mass @ Nicktown. Afterward, we went to the Nicktown Bar where we joined John & (2) of his brothers; Tom, who lives in Nicktown & Mel, who lives in Tennessee with his girl friend, Linda. We've heard of Tom, but never met him; we met Mel about (4) yrs ago & just met his girlfriend tonight. We all had a beer & got to know each other a little better. Mel's motorhome had some mechanical work to be done yet tonight so our small party was rather short but sweet. We enjoyed seeing Mel again & meeting his girlfriend & Tom.

Dinner: leftover stuffed peppers.

We finished watching: "Yankee Doodle Dandy" with James Cagney, Joan Leslie, Walter Huston, Irene Manning, Rosemary DeCamp, Richard Whorf, Jeanne Cagney, etc. Cagney wraps up film in neat little package all his own with dynamic recreation of George M. Cohan's life and times; he deservedly won Oscar for rare song-and-dance performance, as did music directors Ray Heindorf and Heinz Roemheld. 1942. Great production. Based on a true story.

Lights out: 12:31am.     

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