Saturday 25 September 2010

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Awake: 5:30am      Temp 64      sleep 5+39       sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Just before 7:00am, some of the crew arrived & started digging trenches to put the drains in the basement for the entire household area. DSC09976.JPG

After our breakfast, Kathy did (1) load of laundry while I took a long look @ Al's BIG BEAR Quad-Runner. We had the engine running for a few seconds earlier this week but since then, it refuses to even give a hint about starting.

Since Al brought the Bear over to our place, I haven't had the time or the good weather...until today, to get serious about surgery. This afternoon, all I discovered was: the air cleaner was completely rotted but all electrical systems I checked were good. Among my deep socket collection, I don't have one that will fit the spark plug; but earlier this week, that engine ran for seconds?

On Monday, we were told that Scott the Geo man, will pay us a visit & he will have some liquid lines to lay also.

Later, K & I attended the 6:00pm vigil Mass &, afterward, Diane & Max joined us at the Nicktown Hotel for pizza and beer & lots of good talk time.

(2) yrs ago, Max & Diane gave us a wonderful tour of interesting places in Florida we tried to return the flavor just a little. They will soon return to their winter home in Florida.

Back in our motorhome, tonight's movie: "I was Monty's Double." We watched ½.

Lights out: 12:57am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 27, 2010 7:07 PM.

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