Thursday 26 August 2010

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Awake: 6:23am      Temp 60      sleep 6+32      mostly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

We walked to church this morning to attend daily Mass. We were a smidgen late due to: our Suzuki's car battery had died overnight. In (5) min, I disconnected the battery posts, cleaned & reconnected them to their posts. No change! So we walked everywhere we had to go today; fortunately our trips were short.

Kathy did (3) loads of laundry this afternoon. Then we walked to the community center & spent some time with Dr. Gerald, Jackie & Brianna talking about setting up a trust. We didn't finalize anything @ this time, but we will be working on this later this fall.

After the Elder Estate meeting @ the social room, we visited the Krumenacker Hardware store & purchased a PVC pipe coupling & had the snapped off section shortened about (3) inches. A similar thing happened a few yrs ago; I ran over a PVC pipe when mowing the leach field with tall weeds.....both times I clipped a PVC pipe. This time, it was an easy fix, but I do need to put high stakes in the vicinity to mark their spots. DSC00085.JPG Dinner: Mushroom, blue cheese hamburger with sautéed onions, brown rice, broccoli, cantaloupe, & green grapes.

After dinner, I got in touch with Dave & we get our 1991 Toyota out of storage for (2) months. To my amazement, it started right up.

Late evening, Al brought his Yamaha Big Bear Quad-runner over for repair. He demonstrated what it was doing & not doing. I let him know that I'll take a look @ it in a day or two.

Lights out: 12:13am.

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