Friday 27 August 2010

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Awake: 6:21am      Temp 48      sleep 6+08      sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

After our KK meeting, Kathy, Debra & I exercised for (1.5) hrs.

Back @ our motorhome, I had a phone call from Tim @ the Codes office. He told me the address we have (125 Saint Joseph Street) is not recognized. I told him that we have a paper issued on August 30, 2001 from the Cambria County Department of Emergency Services stating 125 St Joseph St. as our address as well as our 911 address; the document was signed by June F. K. DSC00086.JPG Then Tim explained that since all of these yrs, (125 Saint Joseph St.) had no house on it & it was discontinued. The address where you are planning to build a home is: (135 Saint Paul Street). He also said that he will notify the post office in Nicktown but we'll need to inform family, friends, & businesses of the change. He also said that he would shoot this address over to the planning committee & the permit office. I mentioned to Tim that all of these yrs, we thought it was strange that our property address did not resemble the area we are located @.

And with that call finished, our builder, Bernie announced that all of our permits have been satisfied & the excavators will begin digging on Wednesday, September 1st. Gosh, that was sure good news.

Meanwhile, K & I are beginning to resemble the 60's cult with our hairstyles. So, out came the chair, clippers, thinning shears, etc. This was Kathy before her favorite barber casually gave her a thorough trimming. DSC00082.JPG And "voila", here she is folks, Miss Nicktown herself. DSC00083.JPG And this is me after my snazzy hair was restyled. DSC00084.JPG Around 6:30pm, we motored to Ebensburg to attend to my nephew Eric's wake @ Matevish Funeral Home. A fair number of people were there (@ 50). We got to meet & were very favorably impressed with Eric's older children, Martin (21 yrs old & an Iraq vet) & Lauren (18 yrs old, beginning college @ IUP tomorrow) along with their maternal grandmother.

They admitted that they had not seen their father very often & did not really know him. They also got to meet their half brothers (Jacob, Maxwell, & Joey) for the first time.

As would be expected, a rather somber atmosphere prevailed as friends & relatives gathered to share their condolences. A prayer service was led by Fr. Gaus.

Back at the motorhome we had a light supper: sweet red pepper with tomato soup & multigrain bread.

Evening movie: "Petulia" with Julie Christie, George C. Scott, Richard Chamberlain, Shirley Knight, etc. Brilliant film, set against mid-60's San Francisco scene, about recently divorced doctor and his relationship with unhappily married kook. Terrific acting, especially by Scott and Knight, in one of decade's top films.1968. Kathy & I both misled ourselves during the beginning of this story & consequently, bad mouthed what was happening. Kathy therefore payed little attention & fell asleep while I slugged through the scenes...until, I finally realized what was really taking place.Then it was too late for a recovery. Some other time, I'll watch it again.  

Lights out: 11:58pm.

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