Sunday 15 August 2010

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Awake: 7:31am    Temp 67    sleep 7+11    light rain, early & mid morning   Overnight @ Nicktown.

Late morning, we called Gary & Rosemary & updated each other. Mid afternoon, K & I took a walk around town & over into the Shimko area & talked with a few people we haven't seen for awhile.

Dinner: Italian sausage with zucchini, grapes, & peach.

We Skyped with Nick in Seattle for 58 min & 32 sec. Jerry was taking an afternoon nap but Eriko & Momoko were wide awake. Seattle was having one of its really hot days (90s) & Nick & Eriko were both visibly feeling very hot.

After our Skype session, we called Mark & Joan in Ohio & updated each other for nearly an hr. They have had a busy summer, mostly with family.

Next we watched ½ of the movie: "Advice & Consent."

Lights out: 12:11am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 20, 2010 6:31 PM.

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