Saturday 14 August 2010

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Awake: 5:36am    Temp 64    sleep 5+29    sunny....windy    overnight @ Nicktown.

I called Ray in Ocean Park, WA & left him a message. I was having a problem with my Dell computer & did not want to bother my sons on this matter so I chose Ray. Moments before Ray returned my call, I got lucky & figured out the problem.

Kevin's mother, Diane, called us from Montana; we don't hear from her much but this time it was a social call & Kathy & Diane didn't talk very long.

K & I attended the 6:00pm vigil Mass @ our church. Bernie, our builder, was also at Mass & afterward we discussed the progress on our house construction. Bernie still has to finalize details regarding geo-thermal heating, but will take the info he has to the planning board to obtain the necessary permits. He & the excavators are ready to move.


Dinner: Pasta with white clam juice, mixed salad & we each had a peach.

Lights out: 12:20am.                



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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 19, 2010 8:36 PM.

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