Thursday 8 July 2010

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Awake: 6:02am      Temp 66     sleep 6+08     sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

With permission, K & I skipped the KK meeting this morning & motored to Carrolltown where we both had our annual physicals. We are both fine.

From Carrolltown, we motored to Lilly & visited Corinne for about (45) min. She is cleaning & organizing her things in preparation for moving to Pittsburgh. She will be having a free flea market tomorrow (11th of July) @ Our Lady of the Alleghenies, from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.

I did my share by retrieving (1) of our old rocking chairs from our homestead that Corinne was using. We will use it whenever our home is built; for the time being, it's in our motorhome living room & Kathy uses it when doing some needle pointing. DSC09713.JPG
The afternoon is hot in Nicktown; our thermometer in the shade read 90-degrees. So we kept our cool by staying inside.

Dinner: Tuna salad on spinach, olives, & cantaloupe.

Nick Skyped us after dinner for an hour & (22) min. He & the family just returned today from Nagoya. To begin with, Eriko, Jerry & Momoko were napping, but during our talk time, everyone woke up & we were able to see & talk with them all. Here we have little Momoko with her parents as seen thru Skype. DSC09704.JPG It will take a few days at least for them to make the time adjustment. Jerry, although hesitant to begin with, really enjoyed attending the Japanese pre-school. He was fluent in Japanese before but is even more so now! It's good to have them back so we can Skype them more often.

After watching our political programs, the lights went out @: 12:03am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 11, 2010 9:59 AM.

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