Thursday 15 July 2010

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Awake: 6:29am      Temp 65     sleep 6+57      fog...then sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

We received an e-mail from Bernie this morning indicating he has a full set of house plans & would like to get together either tomorrow or look @ our land & select a site for our building.

Meanwhile, we joined the KK meeting & greeted Judy, a special guest from Mesa, Arizona, who is visiting the Cambria County area for a few days. After the meeting, Kathy had a Dr.'s appointment to complete her female exam for this year. And back on our property, I picked quite a few blueberries from our bush. They are very tasty in our cereal bowls!

After breakfast, I called Chuck & talked about the Grizzly's electrical glitch that Jim mentioned yesterday. Chuck told me that Jim will be coming over @ 1:00pm to see what we can do about the weird electrical faults. When I arrived, Jim showed me that when he turns on the key, the caution light for low oil comes on; "that's not right" he said.

Then Chuck got involved: he remembered an electrical problem several yrs ago....when a few wires got so hot on the left handlebar, they melted thru their insulation. 'But that happened yrs ago & I had a guy fix it," he said.

Jim suggested that we get into that bunch of wires to find out what's going on. Well, I have to applaud Jim on that one, as it didn't look that bad on the outside of the bundle, but about 50% of those wires were messed up! It's amazing that it ran as well as it did & for as long as it did with so many burnt wires melted to wires.

Fortunately, I had some wires that were just a tad heaver than what was messed up. So I volunteered to re-do the bundle & gave myself an hr to do it. The further I opened the cover, the more melted wires were exposed. It took more than an hr but I soldered each connection & wrapped it with tape. DSC09735.JPG Now it looks a little better....lets hope it works a lot better. DSC09736.JPG Chuck insisted that we have a beer before we even considered replacing the bundle & checking it out. OK, ok, we succumbed to his wishes.

And by golly, that renewed bundle made all the difference for the Grizzly. Everything worked as it should have & WE were all delighted.

K& I had an early dinner of fresh spaghetti over left over zucchini cakes.

Then we joined (30) other people in the church hall for an Estate Planning Seminar presented by the "Pennsylvania Elder Estate Advocacy Services. Something we will eventually & seriously take care of.

We snacked on healthy nuts, Bing Cherries, olives, Triscuits, etc. upon our return to the motorhome.

Lights out: 12:29am.

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